
Friday 26 February 2016

I Earned My Monitor's Badge!

It's not hard work to look after a class for 10 minutes, while the teacher is gone to have lunch. But it is a big responsibility to keep the class in order, and have the students listen to you. A few days ago, I received my monitors badge for 2016. I didn't receive one last year, because I was still a beginner, and I was still learning how to be a responsible leader and monitor.

Anyway I'm proud that after 1 year of learning how to be a responsible monitor, I am now one!

Tuesday 23 February 2016

I'm Not In The Softball Team.. ARGHHH!!!!!

Tomorrow is Wednesday and some of the Year 7 and 8 students will be going to represent our school at the Softball Interschool Tournament. Too bad I'm not going. I didn't come to school on the day of try outs. It's OK because there's lots of other sport things coming up, later in the year! I begged and begged to my Sports teacher, Mr Reid that I'm good enough for the team but I didn't make it! Arghhhh!!!! I REALLY wanted to be in the softball team. 

I STILL can't get why I'm not in the team!?!?!

Friday 19 February 2016

Duffy Play!

Yesterday we had a Duffy Play! I always enjoy the Duffy Plays we have each year.. because they motivate children to read everyday. But not only that, it's fun and entertaining to watch.

Yesterday's play was about Duffy who made a time machine, to travel back in time so his neighbor could be able to read, and also so he could save Ruby's dad. To me Ruby was my favourite character in the play, because she was funny throughout the whole thing.

Overall I enjoyed the Duffy Play very very much!

Friday 12 February 2016

5 Plus A Day Tabloids

Yesterday, we spent our whole afternoon doing tabloids. Although tabloids wasn't the same? We didn't use normal balls, like we did before. Instead we used fruits and vegetables. My whole school was split into mixed groups, then we started using vegetables and fruits to play games. Like chuck the ball at the coconut, and instead of egg on a spoon we played potato on a spoon. Although tabloids was weird it was fun as well..