
Thursday, 26 November 2015

Last Day Of Touch Rugby :(

Over the last few weeks, my class has been doing touch training with a man called Trevor. Who is a professional touch rugby coach. He taught us how to play touch rugby and on the last day of our training(which was today) we played a game of proper touch. Using everything that he had taught us. I really enjoyed what he has taught, because I have used the skills in my touch games, for sport. From touch training I really enjoyed playing the warm up games, but most of them were tiring. Especially rat and rabbit, but the games had helped me improved the way I play touch. It was kind of sad that today was the last day but I have left touch rugby with lots of new skills, and I also know how to play touch ‘’Properly’’IMG_20151126_112148.jpg

(My awkward position with the ball)    

1 comment:

  1. Talofa pallas I liked how you done a photo of playing touch it looks very cool.
    Where are you in the picture? :)
