
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Help Revive Our Culture

The other day we made a short video with the pois that we made at Kapa Haka practice. We used the song "Poi E". The video and project are all based on how us Maori Iwi need to revive our culture. As we all know, less and less people are unable to speak Maori. And many people are doing as much as they can to help revive and save our culture once and for all.

Whakaorangia to tatou reo me te tikanga !

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

We Did It!

I am extremely proud of my team! We have successfully finished our movie. It had been screened at the Sylvia Park Cinema with all the 12 Manaiakalani Schools watching the movies as an audience. It took a lot of time and practice. But we all manged to push through and get it done. I am proud of my team so very much, that I walked out of the cinema with a big smile on my face! Personally I think our one was the best.
Well Done Team12 we did it!